Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday 9 November 2010

What I have achieved

Today, I have looked at a load of sporting images to give me a ruf idea of what kind of image I am going to use for my main image for my magazine. Also, I have taken into account what colours I am going to use on the front.

Friday 22 October 2010

Who do you intend to target with your school magazine? Why?

With my school magazine, I intend to target children/teenagers aged from 12 – 16. The reason for this is because my magazine is about a school sports day and the main audience for this sort of magazine I felt would be students aged from 12 – 16 going through they’re school years. Also, I chose this audience because I believe that they the magazine will take the most effect on them and they would show the most interest towards this subject of schools sports day as they can relate to it as they take part in one with they’re schools.  

What techniques are used to encourage teenage readers?

To encourage teenage readers, a wide variety of different language/slang is used, for example, they may put a few ‘street slang’ phrases. Also, they usually will make sure that they mention what’s hot on the streets and what’s not i.e. what’s the latest equipment that’s out (depending on the content of the magazine and who the target audience is). Also, they sometimes will conduct an interview with someone who is well known to attract the eyes of the target audience and make them want to look at it and read it and get them to show interest. Also, there are big, bold images to catch the audience’s eye and a wide range of colours are used.

What are the conventions of Magazine front covers: layout; text; images; graphics; colours; etc.

The conventions of a magazine are: Big bold main image; and the effect of this are to attract the eye of the target audience you’re aiming your magazine at. Colours; the aim of this is to also attract the target audiences eye and also for example if you add text is talking about sun, you may add sunny colours emphasise to the audience that you are talking about the sun. Layout; this is important with catching the target audiences eye and to maybe get them to stop and want to take a read of the magazine. Text; the text is important because it plays a vital role in persuading the target audience to want to read the magazine for example you need a good use of language and persuasive words and eye catching phrases.

How did you have to adapt to complete your research? What else did you look at - Why?

Whilst I was doing my research, I looked at my schools magazine and found a little bit of information about this but I needed to find more. So I went onto Google and looked for different magazine relating to the content of my magazine to find out a bit more on how to attract my target audience and make them want to read my magazine. I also looked at how to attract my target audience by the codes and conventions. The reason I researched this was so I could gather a bit more background information on the type of magazine I wanted and how to attract the audience and this information would effectively help me to create a successful front cover for the magazine.

What did you decide to do first? Why? Did it help?

At first, I decided to go onto Google and search up for what makes a good magazine. The reason I decided to do this task first was because I planned to search up on the main factors of what makes a good magazine in text and then I planned to look at a few magazines and pick out these factors and I felt that this would help my knowledge grow on the topic and would help me to make a magazine that has most of these factors and would attract my target audience successfully. I felt that it helped me because I now know a lot more than I did about attracting the target audience from the codes and conventions added to the magazine and the and how I can make the front cover catch people eyes and how to highlight the key factors.